
Ruth Hydes is an award winning freelance illustrator, painter and latterly printmaker who unexpectedly one morning almost on a whim, bought a Gunning etching press and rediscovered a love of print. Installed in an attic with inches to spare and jackdaws in the chimney, the attic press resides. An operational hub, a place for cutting Lino, inking and printing and producing designs to tempt you.


The illustrations are an eclectic mix of loves, likes and inspiration gathered over the years……. A collection of passions arranged in no particular order. From museums to magazines, books and distant memories, a fusion of classical and commonplace, delve deeper into our prints and let the story unfold.

Attic Press

The designs are drawn directly onto the Lino and carved with precision tools, each one is individually inked and rolled through the Press to create a unique image, no two alike. I hope you enjoy these collections and forthcoming ideas which are forming at this very moment.


Paper - G.f.Smith Colorplan - Fsc CreditTt-coc-001975.

Certified by the Forest Stewardship Council ® (FSC-C014189). This means that they are made with, or contain, pulp that comes from FSC certified well-managed forests and other controlled sources, and follows a certified chain of custody that tracks the timber through every stage in the supply chain from the forest to the final user. In Europe, where almost all primary forests are protected, paper comes from sustainably-managed forests where the cycle of planting, growing and logging is carefully controlled.

Ink               Cranfield Caligo safe wash relief ink - non toxic

Lino             Linseed oil and a canvas mesh

Cello           Polypropolene 30/40 microns - fully recyclable - anti static -PH neutral

Greyboard   100% recyclable

Envelopes   Hard backed expanding envelopes - These envelopes are made from 100%   recycled microflute and are100% recyclable. They will biodegrade in 3 months if left to the elements.